$250 / Meet-up
Age: 28-30
Height: 151cm
Language: English/Mandarin
Drinks: Sure! But cocktails and red wine (nothing carbonated please, especially beer)
Weekday: 6:30pm onwards
Weekend: Flexible
About Me
Yes, my favorite topic!
At 28, I quit my job, dropped everything and took a month-long trip to Europe. I was married but got an annulment so technically “never was”. I was in accounting for a few years but followed my passion and switched industry. That’s a basic summary about my life.
I’ve been told that I’m a good listener (despite what I said in the beginning) and funny but then again, maybe people who told me that were just trying to be nice. Guess we’ll find out!
• Movies
• Cafes and bars
• Shopping
• Dining
2 hours per meet-up