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What is Maybe all about?

We make meet-ups simple and more rewarding for everyone. 

Grab a buddy to hangout with or simply have a meal together

Getting to know someone new is always exciting!


No hard rules, just be polite and respectful.

There are strictly no forms of physical contact which will be tolerated.

Only a friendly handshake and nothing more than that.

If the rules are violated (such as inappropriate touching), your date have the right to leave before the specified time ends and no refund is applicable.

How do I make a booking?

Simply click on "Send a Message" button.

It will prompt you to send a message via whatsapp to us.

Once done, just wait for your meet-up confirmation while we liaise with your potential Maybe date!

How do I make my payment?

You may do so via PayNow, Bank transfer or Credit Card.

Can I make Cash Payment on the day itself?

Payment have to be made upfront before a booking is confirmed.

Will my date be the same person stated and shown in the profile?

Our members go through an interview process and met us personally for the application.

You can be assured that your date will be the same person.

Is my privacy protected?

Maybe treats every customer's privacy confidential and will not disclose your personal information to any 3rd party or Social Media platform without your consent.

Can I exchange contacts with my date?

You are allowed to do so as long as your date is comfortable with it.

Please note that there are no obligations for our members to give you their contact details.


I would just like to go to a cafe and get coffee, is that fine? 

Yes that's totally fine!


Who pays during the meet-up?

All costs during the meetup-up will be paid by you.

Are there any miscellaneous charges?

For bookings that end after 11pm, there will be an additional charge of $30 included in the total charges.

For bookings that start after 11.30pm, an additional charge of $50 will be included in the total charges.

For venues that are inaccessible via public transport, there might be an additional charge of up to $50.

This is to cover for your date's transportation cost.

I would like to cancel booking, am I allowed to ?

Yes, you may do so by informing your respective coordinator(s).

100% of the payment made will be refunded if you inform us 24 hours prior to the scheduled meet-up time.

If the cancellation is made less than 24 hours to the scheduled meet-up time, only 50% of the payment made will be refunded.

You may also opt to reschedule the meet-up, subject to approval.

Where am I not allowed to bring my date to?

Only public places and public transport(s) are allowed.

Your Date is not allowed to get into a Private Car.


I usually hang out at night and would like to have drinks with my date, can I do so?

Yes you can.

Please check if the date is fine with drinks and if his/her working hours are in the evening.

All these details can be found on their profiles!

Can I request to do a certain activity which is not listed in his/her profile such as going to the zoo, amusement park etc.?

Yes, you may do so. We will forward your request to him/her and get back to you soonest.

Can my friend(s) and I make a booking for 1 date?

Yes, you can do so. What's more, wouldn't it be cheaper sharing the cost among you and your friends?

As the saying goes, "The more the merrier!".

In an event my date is late, can I get a full refund?

If your date is late by 15 mins for instance, he/she will stay 15 mins more to compensate for the time gone.

You will also have a choice of getting a full refund if your date is late by 30 mins should you wish not to continue with the date.

In what scenario will the service be terminated with immediate effect during the date?

In the event where rules are violated such as :

(1) Customer is using offensive language or displaying offensive behavior towards our Member(s).

(2) Having any forms of physical contact besides a friendly handshake at the start of the date.

(3) Offering private arrangement(s) with or without monetary benefits to our Member(s).

It would constitute a violation of the terms of service and our Member(s) is not obligated to continue with the services and have the right to terminate the services accordingly. 

In such scenario(s), no refund is applicable.

Customer(s) who violate our rules will also be banned from engaging our services.

What kind of activities and venues are prohibited?

Our members are not allowed to go to venues which may implicate them during a police raid such as illegal KTV environment too. (where there are foreign women as hostess)

In an event our members are brought to such venues or anywhere which they feel their safety will be compromised, they have the right to leave immediately and no refund is applicable.

Do you operate on the eve/actual day of Public Holidays?

Yes we do but the availability of our personalities are quite limited on these days. Thus using a fair economics model, we may be charging an additional $100 per booking on top of normal rates.

Why do I see terms such as collections, stocks etc. in the website.

We are using a platform called Shopify.

Technical changes cannot be made and are by default set by the platform.

We are looking to migrate our platform soon! Stay tune!

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